Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sparkling Saturday

At last a shining day that looks as though it will stay. I have the morning for myself. I got up early whining that I didn't want to take Mike to work, since Saturday is the only day I can sleep late. It's turned out to be a rather pleasant day. I got to the gym with Mike at 8:00. Did a few weights, not much, but enough to get me started again. Then I laid in the tanning bed. I did a little grocery shopping. Got home turned on the music, and started cooking. I'm cooking another stew for the church dinner tonight. I ended up making potato salad with the left over potatoes. Made some egg salad too with some of the eggs left over for the potato salad. I also made some tuna salad with some of the carrots and eggs. I'm looking forward to my little lunch alone. Tuna salad on toast and some milk. I cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen. Now I'm taking me a little break, while the clothes are in the washer and dryer. I'm either going to go for a swim a little later or a run, havn't decided which yet. It really is a sparkling day, with a little cold bite too it. I have all the windows up airing things out. I've been reading a wonderful book called "Making All Things New" by Henri J.M. Nouwen. I've really enjoyed it. It offers some nourishement to the soul. I'll write more on that later. I've never really mentioned this before but I started this journal almost two years ago during a hard time trying to get back to myself and trying to pull myself out of depression after the ending of yet another relationship. I truly feel I'm on a rising curve. The landscape seems suddenly peaceful today, no anger, no irritation. So I sit today and feel blest in my love and welcome joy back. I have had the blah's for a while. Mike and I have been going through some things, but we finally broke down and tried to talk about our feelings. The whole ad thing bothered me too, not so much as the ads but just a feeling that all were leaving, I am a big follower. I jumped on the bandwagon as well and started working on blogger. But I still feel compelled to stay. For this has been a healing tool for me, and know in my heart it will continue to be wherever life or blogs take me.
posted by DEREK @ 9:21 AM |


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