Thursday, December 29, 2005

New Year on the way

Well what a wonderful blessed Christmas our family had. It was so nice to be home with those I love so much. But now I'm back to the grindstone of work, and getting ready for the new year. We had a class today on teamwork. In the class they quoted some sports guy forgot who it is, I'm not the best with sports like my brother Lance. Anyway it was "What counts most in the creation of a succesful team is not how compatible its players are, but how they deal with incompatibility." When we don't get along with other, we are tempted to ignore them and shove them aside. This hit big with me, I thought of my past relationships and present as well. I've been guilty of this one for sure. Seems many of my relationships fall into this category. I'm not saying I was always the one to start ignoring, there were times I was the one that was ignored as well. I've been thinking on this one a bit today.
Although this hit big with me I also feel we are called to take a diffrent road. I've read somewhere in the bible "Be of one mind, and have compassion for each other; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous, not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this. I started by remembering, but had to look it up, it's 1 Peter 3:8-9.
Walk in light, I have many feelings on this, and may write more on this later but for the moment I'm at work and really better get back to work. I feel I'm in the writing mood today. Or maybe just a thinking mood. I just hope I can capture what I'm feeling and it doesn't go away. :)
posted by DEREK @ 10:22 AM |


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