Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Lance

Well as much as I was hoping I was going to have a new brother or sister born on Halloween, it didn't happen. But I did get my wish on a new brother. When Lance was born, I looked so forward to sharing all of life's little adventures. As I've said in some old entries, I prayed for a little brother from the time I found out my mom was having a baby. He came into this world and was so loved by us all. I think we all loved having his attention. I wanted him by my side, I wanted to show him things. He always had a light in his eyes burning. Always with love. I can't remember anything other than that, it shines naturally in him. Autumn, Eli, and Ethan are the same way. There are many treasured memories I hold dear and so much laughter. Seems the world we live in is so busy. Seems time is just going by quicker and quicker, even though he still seem really young to me. Man twenty eight today. He's the best bro anyone could have.

They say the best comes last, well 12 years after I was born, one of the best additions to our family was born. Finally a brother. Wish I still had all those letters I used to write to God, all the promises, if only I could have a brother. I prayed "Let me have a healthy brother or sister, but please let it be a brother." Well my prayers were answered. I remember Lance was sick with yellow jaundice when he was born. He had to lay under a lamp with little baby sunglasses. it disappeared and he finally got to come home to us. I remember the first time he smiled at me. We all loved him so much. He's always been such a sport and smart as a whip. I only got six years at home with him. I always wished I'd had more. He was a little karate expert, I remember taking him to karate and picking him up so many times. I'd have these little adventures with him and act like we were going to another place while driving home, he'd say Hawaii, then when we're almost home he'd get scared and cry and say he really wanted to go home. He's always been a very loving person, now he's a man, and I still think of him as that baby brother. He's got this wit that everyone loves, and he makes me laugh. He was a great baseball player. Well I've told you about my memories of my brother today, on his birthday. Now we're all grown, have I mentioned I’m going to be an uncle again, next year he and Amy will be having a little boy. This will be the first nephew that has my last name. He’ll be the fourth grandchild, just like ole Lance was the fourth child. I was the fourth grandchild in my dad’s family. I can’t wait to be an uncle again. He’s a great dad, can’t wait to see him with a little boy. I wrote this poem last year on his birthday so thought I’d put it in this entry as well.

Lance and Derek, brothers by blood

Thoughts of yesterday continue to flood
Two children fast at play, I grew older and went away
That was the past, and the memories last
Because in our dreams and in life, time goes so fast
Or can time stand still,
where we can look at thoughts of past, present, future at will
Tomorrow will come and we will be still
With unmeasurable amounts of love to be shared
Although we don’t always say it we both know, (that we have no hair)
For now we have our dreams and thoughts, our should and our oughts
Our father and mother, our sisters we love.
I only know of being Uncle, you know Father and Uncle.
But… we are brothers
We are brothers by bloodAnd my love does flood.

Happy Birthday my brother!
posted by DEREK @ 6:54 AM |


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