Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy First Birthday Gavin

Yesterday my nephew turns one. It’s his first year milestone! I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with him last weekend. From the time Amy got him out of the car on Friday till Sunday when I said goodbye to him he was smiling. He’s such a happy child. Hopefully I will be able to make it home soon. I love time with my family! I think back to a year ago, where I was in my life, and Gavin just starting the journey of his life. I sat and stared at him for hours last year. Filling myself with the wonder of life and thanking God for such a blessing in my brother and Amy’s life, in all of our lives. I’m still very thankful for that blessing. God can use you at any age, I guess. babies sure bring happiness to mine when I see them, especially my niece and nephews. The each have filled my life with joy I can not exactly explain in words although I try many times. Today is also my friend Phyllis’s birthday, she turns 60, just a few years older than Gavin. Something about her eyes have always reminded me of my niece and nephews eyes, they all have the most beautiful blue eyes. My pepa had really blue eyes like this. Phyllis has a beautiful giving spirit, she always has a hug to share, and a kiss as well. She has something bright shining in her soul, just like the light of baby to me. In writing this entry, my mind wanders to the different ages of life. One second I’m thinking of my nephew turning one, then the next I’m thinking of different ages. I even think about Ms. Beaulah and her birthday’s, 90 something birthdays. I think of all those little men and women I see in Taylor Nursing Home that I see, all of them raised their families and retired from their careers. Now they can no longer live on their own, so they are at a nursing home, sort of a last stop before Heaven. I watch in the halls because I have to actually pass at least 4 different hallways before I come to Ms. Beaulah’s, I watch their interactions, some seem to enjoy each other’s company, some seem ill, I remember my friend Wendy trying to open the door for one little lady. We sat and talked to her for a while. I see flirting sometimes between some of the old timers, flirting wasn’t something I thought I would see. Actually they have one hall that has the wall full of pictures of the women there back when they were in their 20’s. I look for Ms. Beaulah on the wall, but can’t even imagine her in her 20’s. I find myself looking at one woman who looks like a movie star back in the early 30’s or something. So many life’s lived. Sometimes Ms. Beaulah is not happy when I visit her, today she was sad. She said something my Mema said to me once, she questioned why God was so slow in taking her to Heaven. Mema was ready to go after Papa passed away. I guess in ways today I find myself deep in thought, I’m young compared to Ms. Beaulah, I’m old compared to Gavin. I have my good days and bad days just like those people in Taylor Nursing Home. Some days even I struggle with feeling of usefulness. I guess today’s lesson for me is we’re never too old. God uses us all no matter what age, if we are willing.
My mind is full today, my heart is with Gavin even if I’m not there in person. Wishing you Gavin a very happy first birthday. I love you very much, my birthday wish for you to continue to bring much happiness to other hearts as you have mine!

posted by DEREK @ 12:20 PM |


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