Thursday, January 05, 2006


Have you ever sat and thought about all the people that came into your life, and wondered why, I mean what they were brought to teach you. So many have come and gone, but I have one friend from childhood that is still and always will be my friend. We're miles apart but everytime we get together we just sort of start where we left off. I miss Dave, I havn't seen him since May of last year at my sister's wedding, it was great seeing him then, and everytime we say we won't wait so long to see each other, but as life has it, he lives in Tennessee, and I'm in Florida, and we just don't get up there like I would like. He's a great guy! He brought many happy days to me. Anytime I want to smile I just think about those times.
posted by DEREK @ 7:36 PM |


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