Monday, September 25, 2006

She loves me the most, Happy Birthday Mom

As I sat watching "Brother's and Sister's last night after "Desparate Housewives" I realized I still hadn't called my mom to wish her a Happy Birthday. She called me on Friday and said she had got my gift in the mail and had opened it already, she couldn't hold out until Sunday. I talked to her again on Saturday, I thought of her Sunday in church, but didn't call her till late to wish her a Happy Birthday, she laughed saying you know what time it is, I told her I wanted to be the last one to talk to her on her birthday. Last year was a big celebration, the pictures are of her surprise birthday we had for her last year. We did a "This is your Life" party, she was so surprised. The picture of her and me is from when she came to see me when I was living at the beach. The one of Autumn and her is the last picture I've taken of her. Oh and the one of us with the microphone, is all of us singing a song Dena and Andy had written for her on her birthday. I wish I still remember the words. I wish I had been there yesterday with them, but wasn't able to make it up to Georgia this weekend. But I'm going soon for one of her family reunions.
My mom jokes me about writing a book on our family all the time. Well one day I just might. Yesterday was my mom's birthday. I hope is was beautiful for you mom, just like you. I read somwhere about an interview with a mother it went something like. "Do you think all children deserve the full, impartial love and attention of a mother?" "Of course", said the mother. "Well which of the children do you love the most?" he asked hoping to catch her in a contradiction. She answered, "The one who is sick until he gets well, and the one who is away until he gets home.". I thought this was cute. My mom would always and still does write us little notes and letter, and at the bottom, she would always write, I love you the best! It always made us feel special. It was also kind of fun, especially when we would happen across a letter she had written to my sister,and I would open it up and there at the bottom, I love you the best. She loves us all, kind of like God's love for all of us. "God loves every one of us as if there were but one of us to love." St. Augustine Mama thanks for all the prayers you've whispered during the worst moments of our lives, and the many hopes for our success in all that we dreamed of. Thanks for the kind wishes that would make us happy and fullfilled and the gentle words of encouragement that were meant for strenthening us. Thanks for your acceptance, your ability to understand and your friendship that always gave us security. Thanks for your wisdom of all the lessons you taught us, and the meaning behind "unconditional love". Thanks Mama for everything you've done, your the best mom in the world. I love you the best. Happy Birthday!
posted by DEREK @ 5:53 AM |


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