Monday, October 30, 2006

Questions to Mom

Since I got this picture of mom and Uncle Jerry last weekend from the reunion I decided to ask her about Uncle Jerry.

1. Tell me about some memories of Uncle Jerry. One of the things that I remember about Jerry is that while he was still at home, I felt very protected. Daddy was gone a lot, but Jerry was always there and he was always good to see about all of us. We all had to work so hard there was not a whole lot of time to have fun.What is your fondest memory of him? You know since Jerry was seven years older than me, he was gone while I was quite young. He married not too long after he left home after graduation and did not get to come home a lot. I stayed with him and Andy one summer for a couple of weeks. Jerry and Barbara bought me a pretty white dress with a red cumberband belt around the waist. I enjoyed staying with them because I went out with Barbara's sister. They introduced me to a boy who I liked a lot. His name was Monty Montgomery. He called me his Georgia Peach. He was the first boy that I really liked a lot. Jerry and Barbara were real young. They had Brenda Gail and Marshall Dale and they were having a hard time making it.
2. Can you remember how Nana would spend her day from wake up to evening? My mother worked from daylight until dark. She was always busy doing something. I know that I should have helped more than I did. She did all the washing, ironing, sewing clothes, cooking and all the things that go along with taking care of a big family. I don't know how she did all she did. We each one would have a night to wash dishes. She also helped out with taking care of our crops. If we were in the fields, she was right there with us. Usually at lunch we just made a sandwich. She always had chickens to feed and eggs to gether. We helped do that though. I don't think that I can remember her just relaxing, even when we watched tv at night, she usually was busy sewing something.
posted by DEREK @ 3:42 PM |


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